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Sunset Lodge Mystery Series

Bed and Breakfast & Inn & Hotel
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2022

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Diana Xarissa writes the Sunset Lodge Mystery Series which started in July 2022 and is set in New York. Abigail and Amanda (Mandy) Clark decide to give up life in the big city and buy a historic lodge in New York’s picturesque Finger Lakes Region. Sunset Lodge has seen better days, but the sisters have big plans for the main lodge, its small annex, and the handful of cottages that are dotted around the property.

The Body in the Annex (Sunset Lodge Mystery #1) The Body in the Boathouse (Sunset Lodge Mystery #2) The Body in the Cottage (Sunset Lodge Mystery #3) The Body in the Dunk Tank (Sunset Lodge Mystery #4) The Body in the Elevator (Sunset Lodge Mystery #5) The Body in the Fountain (Sunset Lodge Mystery #6)