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Spellbinder Bay Paranormal Mystery Series

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Sam Short writes the Spellbinder Bay Paranormal Mystery Series which is set in England and started in 2018. Would you drop everything and move to a town with a peculiar name, because an odd little man made you a strange offer? Millie Thorn did, and she could never have guessed what mysteries and revelations were awaiting her in the magical town of Spellbinder Bay. She discovers a world of magic and the paranormal, and a world where it’s seemingly normal to have a conversation with a cockatiel named Reuben. Learning she is a witch becomes relatively simple to accept after discovering what other paranormal creatures populate the town, and with ever more mysterious clues about her life coming to light, it’s not just murders she must solve.

Witch Way To Spellbinder Bay (Spellbinder Bay #1) Broomsticks And Bones (Spellbinder Bay #2) Spells And Cells (Spellbinder Bay #3) Snowmen and Sorcery (Spellbinder Bay #4)