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Bless Your Witch Mystery Series

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New in 2016

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Amy Boyles writes the Bless Your Witch Mystery Series which started in June 2016 and is set in Alabama. It features boutique owner and witch Dylan Apel. In the first book Dylan is having one heck of a summer. She knows her hand-made clothing is special, but magical? Discovering that she's a witch is bad enough, but when Dylan realizes there are folks who’ll kill to possess her witchy powers— that’s enough to make a girl want to hide out in the back of her boutique.

Scared Witchless (Bless Your Witch #1) Kiss My Witch (Bless Your Witch #2) Queen Witch (Bless Your Witch #3) Quit Your Witchin' (Bless Your Witch #4) For Witch's Sake (Bless Your Witch #5) Don't Give a Witch (Bless Your Witch #6) Witch My Grits (Bless Your Witch #7) Fried Green Witch (Bless Your Witch #8) Southern Witching (Bless Your Witch #9) Y'all Witches (Bless Your Witch #10) Hold Your Witches (Bless Your Witch #11)