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Retired Witches Mystery Series

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New in 2014

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Joyce and Jim Lavene write The Retired Witches Spellbook Mystery series which started in December 2014 and is set in North Carolina. Three middle-aged witches who live in Wilmington, North Carolina are ready to retire to Boca Raton, Florida. Before they can retire, they must give up their magic, recruit and train three new witches to take their places, and hand off the spellbook they have added to for years. It doesn’t seem like it would be too hard, but that’s before their spellbook is stolen and they must accomplish it all with limited magic and hilarious results.

Spell Booked (The Retired Witches Spellbook Mystery #1) Looking for Mr. Good Witch (Retired Witches Mystery #2) Putting on the Witch (Retired Witches Mystery #3)