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Oxford Magic Kitten Mystery Series

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New in 2021

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Rosemary A Johns writes the Oxford Magic Kitten Mystery Series which started in January 2021 and is set in England. It features Astra. She is single, love familiars, and she is also a witch whose demon cat has more magical ability in his paw, than she has in her entire body. When she inherits her great-aunt’s ramshackle mansion in the sleepy village, Witch Hollow, which nestles in Oxford's shadow, she seizes the chance to break free from her family. Even if Witch Hollow is the most paranormal village in England... 

A Familiar Murder (Oxford Magic Kitten Mystery #1) A Familiar Curse (Oxford Magic Kitten Mystery #2) A Familiar Hex (Oxford Magic Kitten Mystery #3) A Familiar Brew (Oxford Magic Kitten Mystery #4) A Familiar Ghost (Oxford Magic Kitten Mystery #5) A Familiar Spell (Oxford Magic Kitten Mystery #6) A Familiar Yule (Oxford Magic Kitten Mystery #7)