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Keepsake Cove Mystery Series

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New in 2017

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Mary Ellen Hughes writes the Keepsake Cove Mystery Series which started in November 2017 and is set in Maryland. It features Callie Reed who makes a long overdue visit to her aunt Melodie, who lives in a fairy-tale cottage in quaint Keepsake Cove, home to a bevy of unique collectible shops on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Just as they're beginning to reconnect, Callie discovers her aunt's body on the floor of her music box shop. As Callie searches for the truth, signs seem to come from her late aunt through a favorite music box.

A Fatal Collection (A Keepsake Cove Mystery #1) A Vintage Death (A Keepsake Cove Mystery #2) A Curio Killing (A Keepsake Cove Mystery #3)