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Southern Cousins Mystery Series

Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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This series started in 2008 and is set in Mississippi. It features cousins Callie and Lovie Jones. Callie works in the family-owned Eternal Rest Funeral Home. Elvis, Callie's Basset Hound steals the show in this series and helps Callie solve murders.

Elvis and the Dearly Departed (Southern Cousins Series #1) Elvis and the Grateful Dead (Southern Cousins Series #2) Elvis and the Memphis Mambo Murders (Southern Cousins Series #3) Elvis and the Tropical Double Trouble  (Southern Cousins Mystery Series #4) Elvis and the Blue Christmas Corpse  (Southern Cousins Mystery Series #5) Elvis and the Bridegroom Stiffs (Southern Cousins Series #6)