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The Myrtle Clover Mystery Series

Amateur Sleuth
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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The sleepy town of Bradley, North Carolina, might not be as quiet as it seems. Murders happen at a steady rate and octogenarian amateur sleuth Myrtle Clover is determined to solve them before her police chief son.

Pretty Is as Pretty Dies (The Myrtle Clover Mystery Series #1) Progressive Dinner Deadly (The Myrtle Clover Mystery Series #2) A Dyeing Shame (The Myrtle Clover Mystery Series #3) A Body in the Backyard (The Myrtle Clover Mystery Series #4) Death at a Drop-In  (The Myrtle Clover Mystery Series #5) A Body at Book Club (The Myrtle Clover Mystery #6) Death Pays a Visit (Myrtle Clover Mystery #7) A Body at Bunco (Myrtle Clover Mystery #8) Murder on Opening Night (Myrtle Clover Mystery #9) Cruising for Murder (Myrtle Clover Mystery #10) Cooking is Murder (Myrtle Clover Mystery #11) A Body in the Trunk (Myrtle Clover Mystery #12) Cleaning is Murder (Myrtle Clover Mystery #13) Edit to Death (Myrtle Clover Mystery #14) Hushed Up (Myrtle Clover Mystery #15) A Body in the Attic (Myrtle Clover Mystery #16) Murder on the Ballot (The Myrtle Clover Mystery #17) Death of a Suitor (The Myrtle Clover Mystery #18) A Dash of Murder (The Myrtle Clover Mystery #19) Death at a Diner (The Myrtle Clover Mystery #20) A Myrtle Clover Christmas (The Myrtle Clover Mystery #21) Murder at a Yard Sale (The Myrtle Clover Mystery #22) Doom and Bloom (The Myrtle Clover Mystery #23) A Toast to Murder (The Myrtle Clover Mystery #24)