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Hope Herring Mystery Series

Bakery & Desserts
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New in 2020

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J.A. Whiting and Nell McCarthy write the Hope Herring Mystery Series which started in 2020 and is set in North Carolina.  After unexpectedly losing her husband, Hope Herring and her daughter, Cori, leave their home and move away to start over in a new town. With a heavy heart, a new house, a new job, and a new community, Hope is trying to settle in when she discovers a ghost living in her attic.

Silver Linings (A Hope Herring Mystery #1) Blood Moon (A Hope Herring Mystery #2) The Holiday Slay (A Hope Herring Mystery #3) Red Roses (A Hope Herring Mystery #4) Hidden Secrets (A Hope Herring Mystery #5) Kaboom (A Hope Herring Mystery #6) Yesterday's Stories (A Hope Herring Mystery #7) Murder and Deception (A Hope Herring Mystery #8)