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Chocolate Whisperer Mystery Series

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New in 2015

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Colette London writes the Chocolate Whisperer Mystery series which started in January 2015 and is set in California. It features Chocolate Whisperer Hayden Mundy Moore. Hayden Mundy Moore has bushwhacked through African jungles and haggled in exotic markets to find the finest cacao beans and the most flavorful blends. It’s thrilling work but rarely dangerous—until a colleague turns up dead at the exclusive chocolate-themed Lemaître resort spa in San Francisco...

Criminal Confections (Chocolate Whisperer Mystery #1) Dangerously Dark (Chocolate Whisperer Mystery #2) The Semi-Sweet Hereafter (Chocolate Whisperer Mystery #3) Dead and Ganache (Chocolate Whisperer Mystery #4) The Peppermint Mocha Murder (Chocolate Whisperer Mystery #5)