Cheryl Crane, daughter of movie icon Lana Turner, brings her Hollywood insider expertise to a star-studded mystery series featuring celebrity realtor-turned-sleuth Nikki Harper and her screen goddess mother, Victoria Bordeaux. . . When the body of a spoiled, violent, party-boy turns up in a dumpster behind her mother's mansion, Nikki feels duty-bound to get involved. Eddie Bernard may have been the son of one of the biggest TV producers of all time, but the list of people glad to see him gone could stretch from one of end of Bel Air to the other. And the one person Nikki's sure is innocent is also the prime suspect: Jorge Delgado, her childhood friend and the son of Victoria's housekeeper. While Victoria relishes the Tinseltown scandal, Nikki is soon submerged in a secret world of celebrity drug-dealing, dangerous cults, conniving stars, and, of all things, the Food Network. But as Nikki starts to close in on the truth, can she keep Jorge from facing the final curtain. . .while keeping herself out of a killer's spotlight?
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Publication Date:
August 2013