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Fairy Tale Fatal Mystery Series

Series Age
New in 2014

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Maia Chance writes the Fairy Tale Fatal Mystery series which started in November 2014. Miss Ophelia Flax is a Victorian actress who knows all about making quick changes and even quicker exits. But to solve a fairy-tale crime in the haunted Black Forest, she’ll need more than a bit of charm. 1867: After being fired from her latest variety hall engagement, Ophelia acts her way into a lady’s maid position for a crass American millionaire. But when her new job whisks her off to a foreboding castle straight out of a Grimm tale, she begins to wonder if her fast-talking ways might have been too hasty.

Snow White Red-Handed (Fairy Tale Fatal Mystery Series #1) Cinderella Six Feet Under (Fairy Tale Fatal Mystery Series #2) Beauty, Beast, and Belladonna (Fairy Tale Fatal Mystery Series #3)