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Crabapple Yarns Mystery Series

Crochet & Knitting & Weaving
Series Age
Before 2011

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Jaime Marsman writes The Crabapple Yarns Mystery series which started in 2012. It features dejected librarian turned novice knitter Molly Stevenson. Molly takes a new job at Crabapple Yarns. When strange things begin to happen suddenly to the group of knitters that spend a lot of time in the cozy knit shop, they jokingly decide there must be a knitting fairy messing around with their projects. The cast of variegated characters will keep you laughing as the intricately woven chain of events unwinds.

The Knitting Fairy (Crabapple Yarns Mystery Series #1) The Brief Haunting of Raspberry Hill (Crabapple Yarns Mystery Series #2) The Knitpicker (Crabapple Yarns Mystery Series #3)