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Cherry Tucker Mystery Series

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New in 2012

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Larissa Reinhart writes the Cherry Tucker Mystery series which started in and is set in Georgia. It features Cherry Tucker. Folks know Cherry Tucker as big in mouth, small in stature, and able to sketch a portrait faster than kudzu climbs telephone poles -- but commissions are scarce. So in the first novel, PORTRAIT OF A DEAD GUY, when the well-heeled Branson family wants to memorialize their murdered son in a coffin portrait, Cherry scrambles to win their patronage from her small town rival. Larissa's debut novel, PORTRAIT OF A DEAD GUY, is a 2011 Dixie Kane Memorial winner, a 2012 The Emily finalist, and a 2012 Daphne du Maurier Award finalist.

Portrait of a Dead Guy (Cherry Tucker Mystery Series #1) Still Life in Brunswick Stew  (Cherry Tucker Mystery Series #2) Hijack in Abstract (Cherry Tucker Mystery Series #3) Death in Perspective (Cherry Tucker Mystery Series #4) The Body in the Landscape (Cherry Tucker Mystery Series #5) A Composition in Murder (Cherry Tucker Mystery Series #6) The Vigilante Vignette (Cherry Tucker Mystery Series #7)