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Book Retreat Mystery Series

Bed and Breakfast & Inn & Hotel
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2014

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Ellery Adams writes the Book Retreat Mystery series which started in August 2014 and is set in Virginia. It features Jane Steward who manages the storybook resort of Storyton Hall that caters to book lovers who want to get away from it all. In the first book in this series Jane tries to boast her number of bookings by hosting a Murder and Mayhem week so that fans of the mystery genre can gather together for some role-playing and fantasy crime solving.

Murder in the Mystery Suite (Book Retreat Mystery #1) Murder in the Paperback Parlor (Book Retreat Mystery #2) Murder in the Secret Garden (Book Retreat Mystery #3) Murder in the Locked Library (Book Retreat Mystery #4) Murder in the Reading Room (Book Retreat Mystery #5) Murder in the Storybook Cottage (Book Retreat Mystery #6) Murder in the Cookbook Nook (Book Retreat Mystery #7) Murder on the Poet's Walk (Book Retreat Mystery #8) Murder in the Book Lover's Loft (Book Retreat Mystery #9)