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Vintage Toyshop Mystery Series

Antiques & Furniture
Store Owner
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2016

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Barbara Early (A.K.A. Beverly Allen) writes the Vintage Toyshop Mystery Series which starts in October 2016 and is set in New York. Liz McCall grew up in a playful winter wonderland but it was never her dream to manage her father’s vintage toyshop. However, after he sank his entire police pension into the business, someone needed to help him turn his dreams into reality—and keep him from sneaking off to patrol the not-so-mean streets of East Aurora, NY.

Death of a Toy Soldier (Vintage Toyshop Mystery #1) Murder on the Toy Town Express (Vintage Toyshop Mystery #2) Death of a Russian Doll (Vintage Toyshop Mystery #3)