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Seacliff High Teen Mystery Series

Amateur Sleuth
Young Adult
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2015

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Kathi Daley writes the Seacliff High Teen Mystery series which started in 2015 and is set in Oregon. Alyson Prescott moves to Cutters Cove, Oregon, after being placed, along with her mother, in the witness protection program. In her previous life, Alyson was an A-list heiress with the excitement of a trend setting lifestyle and the security of old money. After witnessing a murder executed by two members of a powerful gang family, she is forced to leave her old life behind and become a middle class girl, living in a middle class town. Alyson struggles with the duplicity in her life as she strives to reconcile her new life with the old.

The Secret (Seacliff High Mystery #1) The Curse (Seacliff High Mystery #2) The Relic (Seacliff High Mystery #3) The Conspiracy (Seacliff High Mystery #4) The Grudge (Seacliff High Mystery #5) The Shadow (Seacliff High Mystery #6) The Haunting (Seacliff High Mystery #7)