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Rosaria Trout Mystery Series

Amateur Sleuth
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New in 2020

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Jerusha Jones writes the Rosaria Trout Mystery Series which started in November 2020 and is set in the state of Washington.  Rosaria Trout is on the run—from a bucketload of heartache and fury, and toward a clean slate where her new name is as anonymous as her short haircut.

She’d planned not to stop for breath until she hit the Pacific Ocean, but a small town in the Columbia River Gorge had other ideas. Namely, a summer festival complete with a rinky-dink parade that clogged up Main Street and a ‘For Rent’ sign in the window of a dilapidated historical house.

Curvy Canary (Rosaria Trout Mystery #1) Fuzzy Phlox (Rosaria Trout Mystery #2)