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A Quilting Mystery Series

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New in 2014

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Mary Marks writes the A Quilting Mystery series which started in January 2014 and is set in San Fernando Valley, California. It features Martha Rose, a sassy, sarcastic woman of a certain age and her two quilting friends Lucy and Birdie. In the first book the trio discovers the corpse of another quilter and days later the victim’s prize winning quilt is stolen. Martha is enlisted to draw on her knowledge of quilting to decode the secret messages the victim left behind.

Forget Me Knot (A Quilting Mystery Series #1) Knot In My Backyard (A Quilting Mystery Series #2) Gone But Knot Forgotten (A Quilting Mystery Series #3) Something's Knot Kosher (A Quilting Mystery Series #4) Knot What You Think (A Quilting Mystery Series #5) Knot My Sister's Keeper (A Quilting Mystery Series #6) Knot on Her Life (A Quilting Mystery Series #7) Knot of This World (A Quilting Mystery Series #8) Knot Ready for Murder (A Quilting Mystery Series #9)