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Antique Bookshop Mystery Series

Bookstore & Book Clubs
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New in 2020

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Laura Gail Black writes the Antique Bookshop Mystery Series which started in August 2020 and is set in North Carolina.  It features  Jenna Quinn.  Fleeing some unsavory doings in her hometown of Charlotte, Jenna accepts her uncle's gracious invitation to stay with him in small-town Hokes Folly, NC to help run an antiquarian bookstore. Her uncle is murdered and Jenna learns that she's inherited almost everything her uncle owned: the store and apartment, as well as his not-so-meager savings and the payout from a life insurance policy...which adds up to more than a million dollars.

For Whom the Book Tolls (Antique Bookshop Mystery #1) Murder by the Bookend (Antique Bookshop Mystery #2) Bound By Murder (Antique Bookshop Mystery #3) Bound By Murder (Antique Bookshop Mystery #4)