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Fairy Garden Mystery Series

Gardener & Landscaper
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New in 2020

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Daryl Wood Gerber  writes the Fairy Garden Mystery Series which is set in California and started in June 2020. Since childhood, Courtney has loved fairies. After her mother died when Courtney was ten, she lost touch with that feeling of magic. A year ago, at age twenty-nine, she rediscovered it when she left her father's landscaping business to spread her wings and start a fairy garden business and teashop in beautiful Carmel, California. At Open Your Imagination, she teaches garden design and sells everything from fairy figurines to tinkling wind chimes.

A Sprinkling of Murder (Fairy Garden Mystery #1) A Glimmer of a Clue (Fairy Garden Mystery #2) A Hint of Mischief (Fairy Garden Mystery #3) A Flicker of a Doubt (Fairy Garden Mystery #4) A Twinkle of Trouble (Fairy Garden Mystery #5)