On a warm September night in 1969, a young couple embarks on a romantic midnight picnic on the grounds of a reputedly haunted house. By morning, the young girl has disappeared, and her boyfriend is found mentally confused and unable to speak. The girl is never found, and the mystery is never resolved. Thirty years later, a woman stands in the dark and hears an old man singing, 'Darcie Malone, Darcie Malone, Darcie why don’t you come home?' She turns to see who is singing, but no-one’s there. Darcie Malone is the young woman who went missing in 1969. Emily Menotti, intrigued by the old man’s plaintive song, begins to investigate what happened on that long ago night. Along the way she’ll meet Darcie’s elderly mother and strange brother, an ambitious reporter, local ghost hunters, and the original detective assigned to the case in 1969. NOTE: This book is 100 pages.
"Paid Link"
Publication Date:
February 2013