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Marygene Brown Series

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New in 2019

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Kate Young writes the Marygene Brown Series which started in May 2019 and is set in Georgia. For generations, the women of the Brown family on Peach Cove Island have been known for their Southern sass and sweet homemade desserts at their beloved Peach Diner. Since their mother's passing two years ago, Marygene has been stuck in Atlanta while her sister Jena Lynn has been running the family business. Now Marygene has left her husband and returned to her hometown, where she can almost feel Mama's presence.

Southern Sass and Killer Cravings (Marygene Brown Series #1) Southern Sass and a Crispy Corpse (Marygene Brown Series #2) Southern Sass and a Battered Bride (Marygene Brown Series #3)