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Cat Latimer Mystery Series

Bed and Breakfast & Inn & Hotel
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2016

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Lynn Cahoon writes the Cat Latimer Mystery Series which started in August 2016 and is set in Colorado. It features former English professor Cat Latimer. She's inherited a big blue Victorian house and is turning it into a bed-and-breakfast.

A Story to Kill (Cat Latimer Mystery #1) Fatality by Firelight (Cat Latimer Mystery #2) Of Murder and Men (Cat Latimer Mystery #3) Slay in Character (Cat Latimer Mystery #4) Sconed to Death (Cat Latimer Mystery #5) A Field Guide to Homicide (Cat Latimer Mystery #6) Body in the Book Drop (Cat Latimer Mystery Novella) A Killer Christmas Wish (Cat Latimer Mystery #7) Caught Dead to Write (Cat Latimer Mystery #8)