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Otter Lake Mystery Series

Amateur Sleuth
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2016

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Auralee Wallace writes the Otter Lake Mystery series which started in March 2016 and is set in New Hampshire. It features Erica Bloom who is in no rush to return to Otter Lake, the site of her mother's spiritual retreat for women. But her new-age-y, well-meaning mother is losing her grip on the business, and needs Erica's help. So she heads back to her New Hampshire hometown, where nothing much has changed-except for maybe the body in the well...

Skinny Dipping with Murder (Otter Lake Mystery #1) Pumpkin Picking with Murder (Otter Lake Mystery #2) Snowed In with Murder (Otter Lake Mystery #3) Ring In the Year with Murder (Otter Lake Mystery #4) Down the Aisle with Murder (Otter Lake Mystery #5) Haunted Hayride with Murder (Otter Lake Mystery #6)