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Dolls to Die For Mystery Series

Doll Collecting
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Baker's first mystery in this new series introduces a quirky set of characters in a fun cozy. Gretchen Birch's mother restores dolls for collectors. Her Aunt Nina trains small dogs to ride in purses. Gretchen herself is unemployed with a long-term boyfriend who's cheating on her. When her aunt calls, Gretchen hightails it off to Phoenix. It seems that Gretchen's mother, Caroline, has disappeared following a death on Camelback Mountain, and Caroline is wanted for questioning. This mystery is filled with tension and suspense. Even so, Baker is able to introduce the reader to the world of doll collectiing, while moving the story along at a fast clip.

Dolled Up for Murder (Dolls to Die For Mystery Series #1) Goodbye Dolly (Dolls to Die For Mystery Series #2) Dolly Departed (Dolls to Die For Mystery Series #3) Ding Dong Dead (Dolls to Die For Mystery Series #4)