Jacqueline Winspear writes the Maisie Dobbs Mystery series which started in 2003 and is set in early 20th century England. It features Psychologist and Investigator Maisie Dobbs. As a young girl Maisie worked as a servant in a Belgravia mansion. Maisie graduates from Cambridge with the encouragement and blessing of her employer, Lady Rowan and family friend, Dr. Maurice Blanche. After graduating Maisie enlists for nursing services overseas during The Great War. Years later, in 1929, having apprenticed to the renowned Maurice Blanche, a man revered for his work with Scotland Yard, Maisie sets up her own investigative business. Jacqueline's first novel in this series, Maisie Dobbs, was a National Bestseller and received an array of accolades. 'Maisie Dobbs' won the prestigious Agatha Award for Best First novel, the Macavity Award for Best First Novel; and the Alex Award, which is presented annually by the American Library Association in conjunction with the Margaret Alexander Edwards Trust.
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011
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