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Clueless Cook/Jordan McAllister Mystery Series

Food Clubs & Critics & Foodie
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2011

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Liz Lipperman aka Liz Roth writes the Clueless Cook Mystery Series (Jordan McAllister Mystery series) which started in 2011 and is set in Texas. It features Jordan McAllister who is an inexperienced Newspaper Food Critic. Liz Lipperman also writes the Dead Sister Talking Mystery series which started in May 2013 and is set in Texas. It features Savannah television personality Elaina Garcia who returns to Vineyard, Texas when she learns of her estranged sister Tessa's death. Tessa and her ex-husband ran a multi-million dollar wine-making business in Texas. Lainey now has to deal with the wisecracking ghost of Tessa. Lainey's other 3 surviving sisters are also featured.

Liver Let Die (Clueless Cook Mystery Series #1) Beef Stolen-Off (Clueless Cook Mystery Series #2) Murder for the Halibut (Clueless Cook Mystery Series #3) Chicken Caccia-Killer (Clueless Cook Mystery Series #4) Smothered, Covered & Dead (Clueless Cook/Jordan McAllister  Novella)