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Nick and Nora Mystery Series

Newspaper & Reporter & Writer
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2014

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T.C. LoTempio writes the Nick and Nora Mystery series which started in December 2014 and is set in California. It features crime reporter Nora Charles. She doesn’t believe in fate, even if she is a crime reporter who shares a name with a character from The Thin Man. In fact, she’s moving back to Cruz, California, to have a quieter life. But after finding an online magazine eager for material, and a stray cat named Nick with a talent for detection, Nora’s not just reporting crimes again. She’s uncovering them.

Meow If It's Murder (Nick and Nora Mystery #1) Claws for Alarm (Nick and Nora Mystery #2) Crime and Catnip (Nick and Nora Mystery #3) Hiss H for Homicide (Nick and Nora Mystery #4) Murder Faux Paws (Nick and Nora Mystery #5) A Purr Before Dying (Nick and Nora Mystery #6)