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Maggie McDonald Mystery Series

Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Mary Feliz writes the Maggie McDonald Mystery Series which is set in California. It features professional organizer Maggie. Maggie McDonald has a penchant for order that isn’t confined to her clients’ closets, kitchens, and sock drawers. As she lays out her plan to transfer her family to the hundred-year-old house her husband, Max, has inherited in the hills above Silicon Valley, she has every expectation for their new life to fall neatly into place. But as the family bounces up the driveway of their new home, she’s shocked to discover the house’s dilapidated condition.

Address to Die For (Maggie McDonald Mystery #1) Scheduled to Death (Maggie McDonald Mystery #2) Dead Storage (Maggie McDonald Mystery #3) Disorderly Conduct (Maggie McDonald Mystery #4) Cliff Hanger (Maggie McDonald Mystery #5) Snowed Under (Maggie McDonald Mystery #6)