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Last Ditch Mystery Series

Amateur Sleuth
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2018

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Catriona McPherson writes the Last Ditch Mystery Series which started in April 2018 and is set in California. It features Lexy Campbell who fell in love and left her native Scotland for a golden life in California―hitched to a hunk, building her marriage counseling practice, living the dream. Six months later she's divorced, broke, and headed home. Lexy's only client―sweet little old Mrs. Bombarro―is in jail for murdering her husband with a fireworks rocket. Lexy knows the cops have got it wrong; all she needs is a few days to prove it and somewhere cheap to sleep at night. But checking into the Last Ditch Motel leads Lexy to a whole new cast of characters with troubles of their own.

Scot Free (Last Ditch Mystery #1) Scot & Soda (Last Ditch Mystery #2) Scot on the Rocks (Last Ditch Mystery #3) Scot Mist (Last Ditch Mystery #4) Scot in a Trap (Last Ditch Mystery #5) Hop Scot (Last Ditch Mystery #6)