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Kebab Kitchen Mystery Series

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New in 2018

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Tina Kashian writes the Kebab Kitchen Mystery Series which started in February 2018 and is set in New Jersey. It features Lucy Berberian who quits her Philadelphia law firm and heads home to Ocean Crest, New Jersey. She knows what she’s getting—the scent of funnel cake, the sight of the wooden roller coaster, and the tastes of her family’s Mediterranean restaurant. But murder wasn’t on the menu . . .

Hummus and Homicide (Kebab Kitchen Mystery #1) Stabbed in the Baklava (Kebab Kitchen Mystery #2) One Feta in the Grave (Kebab Kitchen Mystery #3) On the Lamb (Kebab Kitchen Mystery #4) Mistletoe, Moussaka, and Murder (Kebab Kitchen Mystery #5)