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Witches' Brew Mystery Series

Bookstore & Book Clubs
Coffee & Tea & Herbalist
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New in 2022

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Gretchen Rue writes the Witches' Brew Mystery Series which started in 2022 and is set in Washington.  It features Phoebe Winchester’s whose beloved aunt Eudora has passed away. Her aunt has a taste for adventure—and a knack for making magical tea. It’s even rumored that she just might be a witch. So when Eudora passes away and leaves everything to her niece—her Victorian mansion, her bookshop/tea store, The Earl’s Study, and one very chubby orange cat named Bob Phoebe gets more than she bargained for.

Steeped to Death (A Witches Brew Mystery #1) Death by a Thousand Sips (A Witches Brew Mystery #2)