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Wine Trail Mystery Series

Wine & Beer
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New in 2018

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J.C. Eaton writes the Wine Trail Mystery Series which is set in New York. It features Norrie Ellington who is a successful screenwriter living in New York City. She’s also been a silent partner for her family’s winery upstate—until her sister and brother-in-law take a year-long sabbatical. With an experienced staff doing the work, Norrie figures Two Witches Winery will run itself while she enjoys the countryside and writes in peace and quiet... until she finds herself solving murders.

A Riesling to Die (Wine Trail Mystery #1) Chardonnayed to Rest (Wine Trail Mystery #2) Pinot Red or Dead? (Wine Trail Mystery #3) Sauvigone for Good (Wine Trail Mystery #4) Divide and Concord (Wine Trail Mystery #5) Death, Dismay and Rosé (Wine Trail Mystery #6) From Port to Rigor Morte (Wine Trail Mystery #7) Mischief, Murder and Merlot (Wine Trail Mystery #8) Caught in the Traminette (Wine Trail Mystery #9)