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Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery

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New in 2017

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Vicki Delany writes the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery series which starts in March 2017 and is set in Massachuettes. It features Gemma Doyle, a transplanted Englishwoman, who has returned to the quaint town of West London on Cape Cod to manage her Great Uncle Arthur's Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium.

Elementary, She Read (Sherlock Holmes Bookshop #1) Body on Baker Street (Sherlock Holmes Bookshop #2) The Cat of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes Bookshop #3) A Scandal in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes Bookshop #4) There's A Murder Afoot (Sherlock Holmes Bookshop #5) A Curious Incident (Sherlock Holmes Bookshop #6) A Three Book Problem (Sherlock Holmes Bookshop #7) The Game is a Footnote (Sherlock Holmes Bookshop #8) The Sign of Four Spirits (Sherlock Holmes Bookshop #9)