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Seaside Inn Mystery Series

Bed and Breakfast & Inn & Hotel
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2020

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Rimmy London writes the Seaside Inn Mystery Series which started in June 2020 and is set in California.  A hauntingly beautiful seaside mansion has been abandoned for decades... and for good reason. When Abby stumbles on the crumbling estate, she's uncommonly drawn to it. Even the chilling sight of decaying animals on the back porch or the two million dollar price tag isn't enough to keep her away. Her boyfriend, Chase can't understand why she'd want to spend more than two seconds at the dilapidated building, but there's something calling to her, and she's willing to risk even their relationship to discover it.

The Secret of Poppyridge Cove (Seaside Inn Mystery #1) A Traitor at Poppyridge Cove (Seaside Inn Mystery #2) Stranded at Poppyridge Cove (Seaside Inn Mystery #3) Danger at Poppyridge Cove (Seaside Inn Mystery #4) Murder at Poppyridge Cove (Seaside Inn Mystery #5)