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Scarlet Wilson Mystery Series

Bed and Breakfast & Inn & Hotel
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Sara Barton writes the Scarlet Wilson Mystery series which started in 2013 and is set in Connecticut. It features funny, feisty innkeeper/amateur sleuth Scarlet Wilson and her gang at the cozy, pet-friendly Four Acorns Inn. It's a multi-generational household full of memorable characters and situations.

Miz Scarlet and the Imposing Imposter (Scarlet Wilson Mystery #1) Miz Scarlet and the Vanishing Visitor (Scarlet Wilson Mystery #2) Miz Scarlet and the Holiday Houseguests (Scarlet Wilson Mystery #3) Miz Scarlet and the Bewildered Bridegroom (Scarlet Wilson Mystery #4) Miz Scarlet and the Perplexed Passenger (Scarlet Wilson Mystery #5) Miz Scarlet and the Acrimonious Attorney (Scarlet Wilson Mystery #6)