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Raven's Nest Bookstore Mystery Series

Bookstore & Book Clubs
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New in 2011

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Cousins and best friends, Clara and Stephanie Quinn run The Raven's Nest Bookstore, where people go to find their most coveted reads. But they have no idea it's the psychically-gifted Clara who's reading them... Set in Finn's Harbor, Maine, Stephanie Quinn Dowd owns The Raven's Nest Bookstore. Her cousin, Clara Quinn, has returned to Finn's Harbor unexpectedly without much of a plan. Stephanie has convinced Clara to help her out at the bookstore until she finds another job.

Mind over Murder (Raven's Nest Bookstore Series #1) A Sinister Sense (Raven's Nest Bookstore Series #2) Trouble Vision (Raven's Nest Bookstore Series #3) Extra Sensory Deception (Raven's Nest Bookstore Series #4)