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Poppy Peters Mystery Series

Bakery & Desserts
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2015

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A. Gardner writes the Poppy Peters Mystery series which is started in 2015 and is set in Georgia. It features former ballet dancer Poppy Peters. After an injury derails Poppy Peters' ballet career, she gathers the courage to follow in her grandmother's footsteps and attend Calle Pastry Academy in a small-town Georgia.

Southern Peach Pie and A Dead Guy (Poppy Peters Mystery #1) Chocolate Macaroons and a Dead Groom (Poppy Peters Mystery #2) Bananas Foster and a Dead Mobster (Poppy Peters Mystery #3) Strawberry Tartlets and a Dead Starlet (Poppy Peters Mystery #4) Wedding Souffle and a Dead Valet (Poppy Peters Mystery #5) Gingerbread Fudge and a Holiday Grudge (Poppy Peters Mystery #6)