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Jane Darrowfield Mystery Series

Amateur Sleuth
Series Age
New in 2020

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Barbara Ross writes the Jane Darrowfield Mystery Series which is set in Massachusetts and started in May 2020.  It features professional busybody Jane Darrowfield. Jane Darrowfield is a year into her retirement, and she’s already traveled and planted a garden. She’s organized her photos, her recipes, and her spices.  The statistics suggest she has at least a few more decades ahead of her, so she better find something to do . . . After Jane helps a friend with a sticky personal problem, word starts to spread around her bridge club—and then around all of West Cambridge, Massachusetts—that she’s the go-to girl for situations that need discreet fixing. Soon she has her first paid assignment

Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody (Jane Darrowfield #1) Jane Darrowfield and the Madwoman Next Door (Jane Darrowfield #2)