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Jolie Gentil Mystery Series

Real Estate
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Elaine L. Orr writes the Jolie Gentil Mystery series which started in 2011 and is set in New Jersey. It features real estate appraiser Jolie Gentil who returns to the New Jersey beach town where she spent 11th grade and moves into her Aunt Madge’s B&B to have a quieter life... it's not long before she’s found the body of a former classmate’s mother, danced with a skeleton, and been talked into running the local food pantry....

Appraisal for Murder (Jolie Gentil Mystery Series #1) Rekindling Motives (Jolie Gentil Cozy Mystery Series #2) When the Carny Comes to Town (Jolie Gentil Cozy Mystery Series #3) Any Port in a Storm (Jolie Gentil Mystery Series #4) Trouble on the Doorstep (Jolie Gentil Mystery Series #5) Behind the Walls (Jolie Gentil Mystery Series #6) Vague Images (Jolie Gentil  Mystery Series #7) Ground to a Halt (Jolie Gentil Mystery Series #8) Holidays in Ocean Alley (Jolie Gentil Mystery Special Edition)