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League of Literary Ladies Mystery Series

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New in 2013

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Kylie Logan (aka Casey Daniels, Miranda Bliss, Constance Laux) writes the League of Literary Ladies Mystery series which started in June 2013 and takes place in Ohio. It features B&B owner Bea Cartwright, hippy cat lover Chandra Morrisey, and winery owner Kate Wilder. They live on an island on Lake Erie and are forced by court order to attend a library-book discussion group. In the first book in this series the ladies read Agatha Christie’s, Murder on the Orient Express, and that sets their mouths to watering. When a murder occurs the ladies set off to solve it.

Mayhem at the Orient Express (League of Literary Ladies #1) A Tale of Two Biddies (League of Literary Ladies #2) The Legend of Sleepy Harlow (League of Literary Ladies #3) And Then There Were Nuns (League of Literary Ladies #4) Gone with the Twins (League of Literary Ladies #5)