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Desert Cities Mystery Series

Amateur Sleuth
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2013

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Anna Celeste Burke writes the Desert Cities Mystery series which started in December 2013 and is set in Palm Springs, California. It features recently divorced Jessica Huntington. Jessica is hiding out from her own well-planned life, now in shambles. Her law career tanked by the Great Recession, she failed miserably as a desperate housewife in the Silicon Valley playing beat-the-clock with her 30-something hormones. In the end she put on a little baby fat, but no baby. The final blow: walking in on her husband in bed with a well-known Hollywood blond. The Rancho Mirage home where she grew up, surrounded by the beauty of the desert resort town near Palm Springs, seems the perfect place to take refuge.

A Dead Husband (Desert Cities Mystery #1) A Dead Sister (Desert Cities Mystery #2) A Dead Daughter (Desert Cities Mystery #3)