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Nikki Sands/Wine Lover's Mystery Series

Wine & Beer
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Nikki Sands was like every other aspiring actress—waiting tables between jobs. But Nikki had taken serving wines to heart. She knew enough to impress Napa Valley’s golden boy, Derek Malveaux, who offered her a job at his vineyard. And though Nikki may have left her dreams of stardom behind, the world of wine is ripe with intrigue—and the seeds of sleuthing are planted…

Murder Uncorked (Wine Lover's Mystery Series #1) Murder by the Glass (Wine Lover's Mystery Series #2) Silenced by Syrah (Wine Lover's Mystery Series #3) A Vintage Murder (Wine Lover's Mystery Series #4) Corked by Cabernet (Wine Lover's Mystery Series #5) A Toast to Murder (Wine Lover's Mystery Series #6) A Killer Margarita (Wine Lover's Mystery Series #7)