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Nell Forrest Mystery Series

Newspaper & Reporter & Writer
Series Age
Before 2011

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Ilsa Evans writes the Nell Forrest Mystery series which is set in Australia. It features journalist Nell Forrest-- a (slightly younger) Miss Marple. For Nell Forrest, life in the little town of Majic is not going smoothly. One of her five daughters has just swapped university for fruit-picking, another is about to hit puberty, while a third keeps leaving aggrieved messages on the answering machine. On top of all this, her mother is infuriating and it's only been a matter of months since Nell lost her husband of twenty-five years. It's no surprise, then, that she is even struggling to write her weekly column...

Nefarious Doings (Nell Forrest Mystery #1) Ill-Gotten Gains (Nell Forrest Mystery #2) Forbidden Fruit (Nell Forrest Mystery #3)