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Mrs. Murphy Mystery Series

Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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This series takes place in a small town in Virginia and centers around a tiger cat (Mrs. Murphy), a Welsh corgi named Tucker and her human companion, Mary Minor Harry Haristeen. Harry is postmistress in her small town and solves murders. This is a popular series that began in 1990 and is still going strong today. Brown always credits her cat Sneaky Pie as coauthor.

Wish You Were Here (Mrs. Murphy Series #1) Rest in Pieces (Mrs. Murphy Series #2) Murder at Monticello (Mrs. Murphy Series #3) Pay Dirt (Mrs. Murphy Series #4) Murder, She Meowed (Mrs. Murphy Series #5) Murder on the Prowl (Mrs. Murphy Series #6) Cat on the Scent (Mrs. Murphy Series #7) Pawing through the Past (Mrs. Murphy Series #8) Claws and Effect (Mrs. Murphy Series #9) Catch as Cat Can (Mrs. Murphy Series #10) The Tail of the Tip-Off (Mrs. Murphy Series #11) Whisker of Evil (Mrs. Murphy Series #12) Cat's Eyewitness (Mrs. Murphy Series #13) Sour Puss (Mrs. Murphy Series #14) Puss'n Cahoots (Mrs. Murphy Series #15) The Purrfect Murder (Mrs. Murphy Series #16) Santa Clawed (Mrs. Murphy Series #17) Cat of the Century (Mrs. Murphy Series #18) Hiss of Death (Mrs. Murphy Series #19) The Big Cat Nap (Mrs. Murphy Series #20) Sneaky Pie for President (Mrs. Murphy Series #21) The Litter of the Law (Mrs. Murphy Series #22) Nine Lives to Die (Mrs. Murphy Series #23) Tail Gait (Mrs. Murphy Series #24) Tall Tail (Mrs. Murphy Series #25) A Hiss Before Dying (Mrs. Murphy Series #26) Probable Claws (Mrs. Murphy Series #27) Whiskers in the Dark (Mrs. Murphy Series #28) Furmidable Foes (Mrs. Murphy Series #29) Claws for Alarm (Mrs. Murphy Series #30) Hiss and Tell (Mrs. Murphy Series #31) Feline Fatale (Mrs. Murphy Series #32)