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Miss Dimple Kilpatrick Mystery Series

Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Mignon Ballard writes the Miss Dimple Kilpatrick Mystery Series which started in 2010 and takes place in Georgia. It features revered first grade teacher, Miss Dimple Kilpatrick, during the years of World War II in the small town of Elderberry Georgia. You will meet young teachers, Charlie Carr and her friend, Annie Gardner, along with residents of Phoebe Fenwick’s boarding house and other quirky citizens of Elderberry.

Miss Dimple Disappears (Miss Dimple Kirkpatrick Series #1) Miss Dimple Rallies to the Cause (Miss Dimple Kirkpatrick Series #2) Miss Dimple Suspects (Miss Dimple Kirkpatrick Series #3) Miss Dimple Picks a Peck of Trouble (Miss Dimple Kirkpatrick Series #4) Miss Dimple and the Slightly Bewildered Angel (Miss Dimple Series #5)