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Magic Potion Mystery Series

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New in 2013

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See list of books in this series below. Heather Blake writes the Magic Potion Mystery Series which started in November 2013 and is set in Alabama. It features healing witch Carly Hartwell. Living in the wedding capital of the South (Hitching Post, Alabama), shop owner, modern day medicine woman, unofficial relationship therapist, matrimonial cynic, and healing witch and empath Carly Hartwell is all-too-familiar with relationship issues of every type. It’s not a coincidence that her shop, Potion Potables—a potion shop, is located between a wedding planner and a divorce attorney. Not only offering potions that help cure medical ailments, there are also potions for finding love, healing broken hearts, and ensuring long-lasting relationships. Carly's become somewhat of a relationship expert, which draws more of the town’s residents than tourists to her small shop. She is matchmaker and marriage therapist, family referee and workplace problem solver. What she never considered herself was amateur sleuth.

A Potion to Die For (Magic Potion Mystery Series #1) One Potion in the Grave (Magic Potion Mystery Series #2) Ghost of a Potion (Magic Potion Mystery Series #3)