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Maggie McGill Mystery Series

Amateur Sleuth
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Sharon Burch Toner writes the Maggie McGill Mystery series which is set in California. It features psychotherapist Maggie McGill and her 30-something daughter, Allie. Maggie lives in Florida and Allie lives in California. In the first book in this series Maggie takes a vacation to California to visit her daughter where they both get caught up in a mystery! The series takes place in California and Florida.

Maggie's Image (Maggie McGill Mysteries #1) Maggie's Art (Maggie McGill Mysteries #2) Maggie's Brujo (Maggie McGill Mysteries #3) Maggie's Island (Maggie McGill Mysteries #4) Maggie at Sea (Maggie McGill Mysteries #5) Maggie's Ghost  (Maggie McGill Mysteries #6) Maggie in White (Maggie McGill Mystery Series #7) The Care of Goats and Ghosts (Maggie McGill Mystery Series #8) The Amulets Legacy (Maggie McGill Mystery Series #9) Madness, Miracles and Magic (Maggie McGill Mystery Series #10)