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The Firework Frenzy (Tess and Tilly Mystery #17)

Author: Series: Publication Date:
July 2024
Holiday/Season/Special Event:
Fourth of July

In book 17 of the series, Tess and the entire gang who work and volunteer at the local wild and domestic animal rescue and rehabilitation facility, are up in arms when they find out that the annual fireworks show has been moved to a small lake nestled in the center of a large meadow not all that far from the shelter. Tess tries to explain how setting off explosives of any sort near the shelter will stress out all the animals in their care. She argues that the firework display should be moved back to the larger lake south of town where it has always been held. It seems however that the new president of the local chamber of commerce has his own reasons for moving the show and refuses to cooperate. When the unpleasant man shows up dead hours after Tess publicly threatens him, Tess finds herself in the hot seat. As crazy as it is that anyone would believe she would actually carry through with her threats, it seems the only way to really clear her name is to find the real killer.